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Introduction to Common Workflow Language @ CWL Workshop Tokyo 2018
Intro to Common Workflow Language (CWL)
How to develop a workflow engine to run CWL workflows @ CWL Workshop Tokyo 2018
BioExcel Webinar #14: Introduction to the Common Workflow Language (CWL) Project
CWL Intro + CWL 1.2
CWL-metrics: CWL workflow runtime metrics analysis @ CWL Workshop Tokyo 2018
CWLViewer: The Common Workflow Language Viewer
Designing good exercises for the new "Introduction to Workflows with CWL” tutorial
"Common Workflow Language" explained in 64 seconds
Rcwl/RcwlPipelines: Use R to build, read, write, and execute CWL workflows
JROST Flashtalk: Common Workflow Language
Running Reproducible Metabolomics Workflow with CWL